
Don’T Let The Fear Of Weight Gain Keep You From Drug Addiction Treatment

If you're struggling with an addiction to drugs and your family members have suggested that you get treatment, you may initially look for excuses to why you aren't ready for help. One excuse that some addicts use is that they're concerned about gaining weight as they get clean. Weight gain can occur for many people as they quit drugs, and you may even know former addicts who have struggled with their weight after gaining their sobriety. Read More 

Overcoming Depression: Three Everyday Techniques To Help You Feel Better

Depression wields a powerful force. The feelings of hopelessness often leave those who are depressed struggling to enjoy life. While depression is a serious mental health issue, it often doesn't get the attention it deserves. This leaves many people to feel alone, scared, and anxious. However, it doesn't have to be that way. With these three tips and the help of a counselor or therapist, you can ease those feelings of depression: Read More 

Handling Your Panic Attacks

If you've ever experienced a panic attack, you know how terrifying they can be. You might have even gone to a doctor or the ER thinking that you were having a serious health problem. Once you've been reassured by a medical professional about your good overall health, you might be afraid that panic attacks will return, and if they do, you may feel powerless to fight them. Using the tips below, you might find that you're better able to handle these attacks. Read More 

Overcoming Porn Addiction Online: What To Expect

Being addicted to pornography is an alarmingly growing disease: with free pornography at the fingertips of anyone who owns a computer with Internet access and the world-wide acceptance of the industry as a whole, anyone can become addicted. From pastors to young teenagers, pornography is often linked to a person's lack of sexual clarity or need to feel loved or feel adventurous. If you feel like you watch or participate in pornographic activities at the expense of work, family, and friends, or if you feel that you cannot have a typical relationship due to your preference for porn, you may be addicted. Read More 

Ways That A Forensic Psychiatrist Can Help When You Have Been Accused Of A Crime

Recent research has suggested that nearly 10,000 people a year are wrongly convicted of serious crimes and that a leading cause of that issue is the inaccuracy of eyewitnesses to the crime in question. In addition, in 2012 it was announced that in the preceding 23 years, there were more than 2000 false convictions courts that had been overturned. In the United States, each person is assumed to be innocent until proven guilty, but unfortunately that system has been known to occasionally fail innocent people. Read More